Improve quickly in one to three sessions

Sometimes it is easy to lose your stride a little bit. Maybe it is not that hard to get back on track.

Maybe you worked too hard, slept too little, ate not the best of food. You didn't talk enough with your loved ones or colleagues. You got distracted, avoid the truth a little with tv, a drink too much. You forgot your goals that make you happy and changed your life patterns for the worst.You are a bit tired, and not enjoying yourself that much anymore. 

You are not doing that bad. But you could do so much better!

In one to maximum three coaching sessions we go to your core, create a kickstart and you fix your own life.

Preventative Relationship Therapy

Often we go in relationship therapy as a last resort. Why not come together and build strong foundations, learn how to communicate well and honestly and create a happy fulfilling relationship, together. 

Plaatje van een vrouw die je meeneemt

Individual Gestalttherapy

I will explore with you how to bring your passions and dreams to the here and now, where you can make decisions to change your life to reflect your true self and become more happy and energetic. 

Plan our first session!

Reach out to me so we can plan our first session!